As CAVO Otomotiv Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş, we have established and implemented management systems in all our activities in line with the principles of our employees working in a healthy and safe environment, protecting the environment, careful consumption of natural resources, raw materials, and energy, keeping exhaustible energy resources under control, meeting customer demands, business continuity and sustainable development.


  • The automotive industry is a pioneering sector in terms of quality, environment, occupational safety, energy and sustainability. We strive to fulfill all conditions in line with our industry and human values and contribute to our country's economy by producing products that comply with national and international standards in the sector.
  • All our activities comply with the law and with a responsible and accountable management approach that creates value for all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, suppliers and, solution partners providing goods and services, and customers. Compliance with eligibility requirements is uncompromised. They strive to be pioneers and role models.
  • Risks are minimized by applying risk management within the scope of all management systems implemented.
  • Our aim is to be prepared for emergencies, to overcome emergencies with the most minor damage, to ensure that our employees are informed about this issue and to contribute to their safety in their private lives. By taking the necessary measures, we ensure that environmental impacts are reduced and energy problems are not experienced in case of any emergency.  
  • Infrastructure is created for all kinds of employee participation and consultation activities within the management systems, and they are encouraged and incentivised.
  • We do everything necessary to ensure our employees' physical and mental integrity is not harmed. We adhere to the principle that " where there is no employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction cannot be achieved."
  • For all management systems, employees, suppliers and solution partners providing goods and services are trained, and awareness is created.
  • We try to minimize the quality control phase by increasing the quality levels of our suppliers.
  • In resource procurement, environmentally friendly (green), energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies suitable for employee health and safety and with high energy efficiency are preferred.
  • By prioritising efficiency in the operation of the systems, costs are reduced as much as possible.
  • By incorporating digital technologies into our strategy, processes, and products, we aim for a flexible, fast CAVO with high stakeholder satisfaction and competitiveness, which spreads and protects the culture of change and creates new business areas.
  • Energy performance improvements are considered in the design and revisions of production processes.
  • Infrastructure is provided to implement the principle of waste reduction, reuse and recycling in all activities and "Zero Waste" is targeted.
  • Environmentally friendly technologies are applied after technical and commercial evaluations with a life cycle and sustainable development perspective. These technologies protect biodiversity by using our natural resources effectively and efficiently, monitoring and improving soil, water and air quality, and reducing water and carbon footprint (decarbonisation).
  • Work is carried out to implement investments to overcome the challenges brought about by the fight against the climate crisis, and the transition to a carbon-neutral economy is aimed at being implemented by developing projects that will contribute to the value chain in the sector.
  • Projects are developed and implemented to realize the universally accepted principles of sustainability. In this regard, it is aimed at taking an active role in multilateral sustainability initiatives and cooperation platforms at national and international levels.
  • We provide all management system performance and all resources required for continuous improvement of management systems and achievement of goals and objectives.
  • Business sustainability principles are applied in all business processes, including efficiency/competitiveness, product and production technologies, financing and business development.
  • It is believed that all these will create a sense of trust in all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, all suppliers and solution partners providing goods and services, and customers, and will increase our competitiveness and create opportunities for us to take a larger share from domestic and foreign markets.


CAVO hereby undertakes the following issues to implement the requirements in the field of Information Security in accordance with its corporate values, mission and vision:
  • To provide services in the automotive industry, taking into consideration the legal and regulatory necessities as well as the security obligations regarding customer agreements to ensure continuous development and improvement,
  • To apply a sustainable information security system based on risk assessment and risk management,
  • To ensure the sustainability of the integrity, confidentiality, accessibility of information assets and the Information Security Management System (BGYS) by continually improving,
  • To perform our works in the processes of receiving and rendering services with customers and other stakeholders by taking into account the Information Security obligations.
The commissioning and execution of the Information Security Management System in our corporation is carried out by our Information Security Management System Board (BGYK), and all our announcements are made at bgyk@cavo.com.tr
Humans and environment are the most significant resources for automotive industry. For this reason, we continuously work to improve our working conditions and to develop our environmental performance. Automotive industry has a multi-layer supply chain. We regularly encourage and check whether all our suppliers follow the same principles for their working conditions as those followed for our own working conditions.
Our business ethics rules mainly consist of the following:
  1. Work Ethics
  2. Working Conditions
  3. Environmental Responsibility
Detailed descriptions of the above items are provided below:

1. Work Ethics : Cavo Otomotiv operates in compliance with national and international regulations. Fundamental rules taken into account for our operating activities include (but not limited to) the following:
  • not to become a party to any illegal activity including but not limited to fraud and bribery,
  • to avoid business practices contrary to fair competition,
  • to protect intellectual property rights,
  • to show respect to the corporation and personal information, and manage such personal information in accordance with data confidentiality rules as per applicable regulations,
  • to perform necessary controls related to exports,
  • to develop precautions and procedures strictly prohibiting illegal activities,
  • to keep records related to financial transactions in a transparent and accurate manner, and
  • to continuously train our employees within this scope.
  • to declare possible conflict of interest situations to HR department and take necessary actions upon evaluation.
2. Working Conditions :
  • Our corporation does not allow child employment and the employment age is in compliance with local laws.
  • No human labor is used either by means of forced labor or slavery.
  • The employees may contact the management about their working conditions without any fear of harassment, intimidation, or retaliation.
  • The employees have the freedom to gather freely, to participate in a union, to choose their own representatives, and to participate in labor councils as permitted under applicable local laws.
  • Any forms of harassment and/or discrimination against the employees are not tolerated. There is no discrimination against the employee for his or her gender, race, language, skin color, disability, union membership, political views, ethnicity, pregnancy, and/or sexual orientation.
  • Our employees are provided with a safe and healthy workplace environment meeting the applicable standards for occupational health and safety.
  • Remuneration and fringe benefits as well as minimum wages, overtime pay, and other mandatory statutory rights are determined in compliance with applicable laws.
  • Working hours comply with the relevant regulations in local laws.
3. Environmental Responsibility : Having an additional ISO 14000 Environmental Management System, our corporation has always fulfilled the requirements of this standard since 2006. Within this framework, the following practices, including without limitation, are performed: fulfillment of legal obligations, reducing power consumption, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, making more use of renewable energy sources, proper performance of waste management, regular performance of environmental measurements, providing periodical and continuous training for employees as well as suppliers.
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