We, Cavo Otomotiv Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. (the “Company”), exercise the highest due diligence possible for the safety of your personal data. With this in mind, we put great emphasis on processing and protection of personal data of natural persons, with which the Company has an interaction, in compliance with Law no.6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (the “Law”), subordinate legislation implemented or to be implemented as per the Law (i.e. regulations, communiqués, circulars, etc.) as well as binding resolutions taken or to be taken by the Board of Protection of Personal Data. With full comprehension of our responsibilities in this respect, we, the “Data Controller” as defined in the aforesaid Law, process your personal data as described herein below and subject to the restrictions stipulated in applicable legislation thereof.
Information on the Data Controller
As per applicable Law, Cavo Otomotiv Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş., with registered office at “TOSB Otomotiv Yan Sanayi İhtisas Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 1. Cadde 15. Sokak No:3 Çayırova/Kocaeli - TURKEY”, registered in Gebze Trade Registry Office under registration number: 7795 and MERSIS number: 0203002503100017, is the Data Controller.
Purposes of Processing of Personal Data
Your personal data are processed by the Company subject to restrictions stipulated in the applicable Law, in line with the principles of law and good faith, for the purposes of ensuring that business operations conducted by the Company are performed in compliance with applicable legislation and Company policies, performance of required operations by the business units of the Company and carrying on business activities in this respect as well as determination, planning, and implementation of short/medium/long term trade policies of the Company, planning and performing the human resources operations of the Company, management of processes for customer relations and corporate communication by the Company, and providing for the business and legal safety of natural persons having a business relation with the Company, and always in relation to, limited to, and reasonable for these purposes thereof.
Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of purposes specified herein above, and in line with the conditions stipulated in Article 8 and Article 9 of the applicable Law, your personal data may be transferred to primarily public institutions authorized as per applicable law as well as judicial and administrative authorities, private law legal and natural persons permitted as per other applicable legislations, institutions and organizations authorized to audit the Company, contracted paying agents in order to fulfill payments and financial obligations thereof, business associates providing services to or being in cooperation with the Company in order to manage and develop the operations of the Company, and the shareholders of the Company, only where required, provided that the data safety measures stipulated in the applicable Law are duly taken.
Method of Collection and Cause of Action for Collecting Personal Data
Your personal data are collected in verbal, written, or digital environment by the authorized units and employees of the Company through automatic and manual methods. Within this scope, personal data under the categories of identification, communication, location, personnel, legal act, customer operation, physical location safety, operation safety, risk management, finance, professional experience, marketing, audio-visual records are processed based on the causes of action as the obligation of processing of personal data of the contracting parties due to the fact that such personal data are directly associated with entering into or performance of the agreement as stipulated in the second paragraph of Article 5 of the applicable Law, obligation of processing of personal data in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, the fact that such personal data have been made public by the relevant person, and obligation of processing of personal data for the legitimate interests of the Company provided that no harm is made to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the relevant person thereof.
Your Legal Rights
You are entitled to contact the Company at any time to receive information about whether your personal data are processed, request information about the status of your personal data if your personal data have been processed, receive information about the purpose of processing of your personal data and whether such personal data are used for their intended purposes, be informed of domestic or international third persons to whom your personal data are transferred, request for correction of your personal data in case of incomplete or inaccurate processing of your personal data, request for deletion or disposal of personal data subject to the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the applicable Law, request for notification of the operations performed as per sub-clauses (d) and (e) of Article 11 of the applicable Law to the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred, raise an objection to any result against you due to analysis of your personal data processed exclusively through automatic systems, seek recovery for damages in case you incur such damages due to processing of your personal data illegally.
You may submit your requests regarding your rights and performance of the applicable Law by completing and signing the application form obtained from the Company address, and delivering it by notary office, registered mail with return receipt, or application in person to “TOSB Otomotiv Yan Sanayi İhtisas Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 1. Cadde 15. Sokak No:3 Çayırova/Kocaeli - TURKEY”, or in case of online application, by completing and digitally signing the application form by mobile signature or secure electronic signature, and delivering it by using your KEP address or your e-mail address already registered in the data recording system of the Company to kvkk@cavo.com.tr. The Company shall provide a reply to such requests in writing, if required to be replied in writing, free of charge up to 10 pages and by charging 1 TRY (Turkish Lira) fee per page over 10 pages. In case a recording medium such as CD, flash drive, etc. is required to provide a reply to such application, then the fee that may be requested by the Company shall not exceed the cost of such recording medium.